July 27, 2024
  • The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has released the latest edition of World Press Freedom Index.


  • India’s press freedom score decreased from 62 to 31.28 in the last year, according to RSF.
  • While India’s rank improved slightly from 161 to 159, it was due to other countries’ rankings slipping rather than India’s progress.
  • Norway topped the ranking, while Denmark was on the second rank in World Press Freedom Index. Sweden ranked third on the list.
  • Eritrea was at the bottom of the list, with Syria just ahead of it.
  • Pakistan ranked 152, Sri Lanka at 15, Nepal at 74 and Maldives at 106.
  • Afghanistan is at 178, Bangladesh at 165 and Myanmar at 171.
  • Press freedoms have experienced a decline, with an average decrease of 7.6 points globally.
  • Scores for India dropped (worsened) in all except the security indicator.


  • It is published annually by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
  • It has been published every year since 2002.
  • The purpose of the World Press Freedom Index is to compare the level of freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories.
  • Indicators:
    • Political context,
    • Legal framework,
    • Economic context,
    • Sociocultural context and
    • Safety


  • It is the ability of journalists to select, produce, and disseminate news in the public interest independent of political, economic, legal, and social interference and in the absence of threats to their physical and mental safety.
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