July 27, 2024


General Studies Paper 3 Context: India’s travel and tourism sector will be the key axis of development in the coming years. Budget 2023 has outlined the path to developing tourism in mission mode. The tourism sector accounts for 10% of the total employment directly and provides 8% of the overall GDP. What are the efforts by the Indian government for the growth of tourism? The Budget Session addressed all the “6Ps” effectively by covering destination planning and management, infrastructure development, sustainability and safety, development of human capital, policy, and process interventions to align the Centre and states, and promoting the narrative of Indian tourism. The Union....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: On National Tourism Day (January 25) the Ministry of Railways, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, is launching its Jagannath Yatra train package. Tourism: India ranks 6th according to the World Travel and Tourism Council in terms of Travel & Tourism total contribution to GDP in 2021. India is currently ranked 54th in World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index (2021). India has 40 sites listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List (32 cultural, 7 natural, and 1 mixed) as of 2021. Dholavira and Ramappa Temple are the latest ones. Jagannath Yatra train package: It is an eight-day tour that begins from Delhi, traverses Kashi and other places and ends at the Vishnupad temple in Gaya.....Read More

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