July 27, 2024

Environmental Issues

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The government plans to expand its Electric vehicles (EVs) policy to include retrospective benefits for prior investors. Previously, incentives were available only for new local facilities established within three years of approval. About Electric vehicles (EVs) Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant traction in recent years as a cleaner and more efficient alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. With advancements in battery technology, a growing network of charging infrastructure, and increasing consumer demand, EVs have become a viable option for many drivers around the world. Significant investor support is essential to tap into the $100 billion-plus....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The Union Cabinet has approved India to sign the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Agreement. About The Ministry of Earth Sciences will spearhead the country’s implementation of the BBNJ Agreement. The Agreement allows India to enhance its strategic presence in areas beyond the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone). It would also contribute to achieving several SDGs, particularly SDG14 (Life Below Water). What is the BBNJ Agreement? The BBNJ Agreement, or the ‘High Seas Treaty’, is an international treaty under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It sets precise mechanisms for the....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The Global E-waste Monitor 2024, brought out by United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and Fondation Carmignac, a corporate foundation. Key findings The world produced 62 billion kg of electronic waste (e-waste) in 2022. That number is projected to rise to 82 billion kg in 2030 The world’s generation of electronic waste is rising five times faster than documented e-waste recycling The report also highlighted the composition of the 62 billion kg of e-waste. It contained 31 billion kg of metals, 17 billion kg of plastics and 14 billion....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The government is bringing into effect a policy that will discourage solar power project developers from relying on imported panels. About Solar Energy Sector Solar energy is the most abundant & cleanest energy resource on earth. India is endowed with vast solar energy potential. Solar energy can be used mainly in three ways one is direct conversion of sunlight into electricity through PV cells, the two others being concentrating solar power (CSP) and solar thermal collectors for heating and cooling (SHC). What is driving India’s solar power plan? India gets around 250 to 300 days....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: India has made significant progress in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators but needs to address challenges in certain areas, according to the National Indicator Framework progress report 2024, launched on the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation’s (Mospi’s)18th National Statistics Day. Findings The report presents the time series data on the SDG national indicators based on the data received from the concerned line ministries. The National Indicator Framework tracked 290 indicators across 17 SDG goals. Progress Made: The neonatal mortality ratio has declined to 20 per 1000 live births during 2020 compared with 25 in....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The World Bank has approved a second round of 1.5 billion dollars in financing to help India accelerate the development of low-carbon energy. Background In June 2023, the World Bank approved the 1.5 billion dollars for the First Low-Carbon Energy Programmatic Development Policy Operation. The fresh funding is expected to help India expand its green hydrogen production and boost the mobilisation of finance for low-carbon investments. India’s Green Energy Transition India, as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, faces a critical challenge in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability. Central to this challenge is the....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is known as India’s “water tower” and is critical for providing essential ecosystem services. However, there’s a dissonance between the region’s special development needs and the current development model, leading to potential economic ruin due to resource exploitation. Importance of Himalayas The Himalayas, a majestic mountain range spanning over 2,400 km, hold immense ecological, economic, and cultural significance for India and the wider South Asian region. Climate Regulation: The Himalayas act as a barrier against cold winds from Central Asia, ensuring a milder climate in the Indian subcontinent. They also....Read More

General Studies Paper-3  Context: Government enhanced allocation for the Fertilizer Sector under SIGHT Programme of the National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM). About National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) The Union Cabinet has approved the National Green Hydrogen Mission in January in 2023 and the initial outlay for the Mission is 19,744 crore, including an outlay of Rs.17,490 crore for the SIGHT programme, Rs.1,466 crore for pilot projects, Rs.400 crore for R&D, and Rs. 388 crores towards other Mission components. The Mission will result in the following likely outcomes by 2030: Development of green hydrogen production capacity of at least 5 MMT....Read More

General Studies Paper-3 Context: As per the State of Global Air Report 2024, Air pollution has caused 8.1 million deaths around the world in 2021. Key Highlights of the Report More than 90 percent of these global air pollution deaths – 7.8 million people – are attributed to PM2.5 air pollution, including from ambient PM2.5 and household air pollution. China and India account for more than half of the global burden at 2.3 and 2.1 million deaths respectively. Air pollution was the second leading risk factor for death among children under 5 in 2021, after malnutrition. The report states that....Read More

General Studies Paper-3 Context: The 2023 amendments to India’s Biological Diversity Act of 2002 has caused a debate concerning biodiversity protection and India’s responsibilities as a signatory to the Kunming-Montreal framework. Background In 2022, at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, countries all over the world adopted the Kunming-Montreal framework to enhance biodiversity protection and conservation. The countries adopted calls to protect 30 percent of all ecosystems by 2030, to protect biodiversity and genetic diversity and ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits of traditional knowledge with the local and indigenous communities that steward this knowledge. Amendments under scrutiny Under the....Read More

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