July 27, 2024


General Studies Paper -3 Context: Recent media highlights show that large-scale renewable energy development is sensitive to productive activities — agriculture and related livelihoods, with the potential for impacts on food security. India and Renewable Energy India, the world’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is making significant strides in its transition to renewable energy. The country’s efforts are not only crucial for global climate change mitigation but also for addressing domestic energy needs. Renewable Energy Capacity in India India, a country with a rapidly growing economy and increasing energy demands, has made significant strides in its renewable energy sector. It....Read More

General Studies Paper -3 Context: According to the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), India has added 21% higher renewable energy capacity in 2023-24 than previous year. About the Renewable Energy Capacity in India India, a country with a rapidly growing economy and increasing energy demands, has made significant strides in its renewable energy sector. It added 18.48 GW of renewable energy capacity in the fiscal year 2023-24, which is over 21% higher than the 15.27 GW added a year ago. It was primarily driven by solar installations (12.78 GW) and wind energy (2.27 GW). The total installed renewable....Read More

Solar Surge in India

General Studies Paper -3 Context: The government is bringing into effect a policy that will discourage solar power project developers from relying on imported panels. About Solar Energy Sector Solar energy is the most abundant & cleanest energy resource on earth. India is endowed with vast solar energy potential. Solar energy can be used mainly in three ways one is direct conversion of sunlight into electricity through PV cells, the two others being concentrating solar power (CSP) and solar thermal collectors for heating and cooling (SHC). What is Driving India’s Solar Power Plan? India gets around 250 to 300 days....Read More

General Studies Paper – 3 Context: The coal production in the country has shot up to over 664 million tonnes during the financial year 2023-24. It is a robust 12.29 percent increase over the corresponding figure of over 591 million tonnes for the same period of the previous year. The government aims to further increase production to reach 1 billion million tonnes by 2030. This increase ensures a consistent and robust coal supply to meet the energy needs of the power sector, highlighting the effectiveness of the coal supply chain. Current Status of Coal Reserve India has rich deposits of....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: The dispute over the water share of the Krishna river between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana remains unresolved, even nine years after the bifurcation of the combined State. About the Krishna water dispute Beginning - Gentlemen’s Agreement: The dispute dates back to the formation of Andhra Pradesh in November, 1956. Before the formation of Andhra Pradesh, four senior leaders each from different regions of Andhra, including the Rayalaseema Region and the Telangana region, signed a Gentlemen’s Agreement on February 20, 1956. Protection of Telangana’s interests and needs: Among others, one of the provisions of the agreement was the protection of Telangana’s interests and....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: The government has recently invited bids for 50 GW of renewable energy capacity annually for the next five years. About renewable &  non-renewable resources of energy Renewable energy: Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and all around us. Non-renewable energy: Fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas - on the other hand, are non-renewable resources that take hundreds of millions of years to form. Fossil fuels,....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: India has faced many challenges in creating self-sufficiency. The same practices should not be repeated in the case of renewable energy. What are the challenges India faced in the case of hydrocarbon and how can they be used as lessons for renewable energy? Challenges in accessing indegenous resources– Although, India had the raw material of oil and gas. But the hydrocarbon resources are located in harsh terrain and complex geology. Which were difficult to locate and even if located, they were difficult to produce on a commercial basis. The reason is the high cost of drilling and development.....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: An integrated approach that focuses on renewable energy along with the exploration of traditional fuels is the key to energy security in the next 25 years in India. Need for an integrated approach: 3As:Ensuring energy access, availability and affordability for India’s large population. As the world’s fastest-growing major economy with rising energy needs, India will account for approximately 25% of the global energy demandgrowth between 2020-2040. The success story of India: When petrol and diesel prices went up by 35-40% in the US, Canada, Spain and the UK, prices of diesel in India have actually gone downin the last 1 year.....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy, despite the rise of manufacturing and services sectors. The sector contributes 15% to the GDP and provides livelihood to almost two-thirds of the total working population in the country. Agriculture is also the key source of raw materials for textile, sugar, food, medicine (primarily Ayurveda), and new age health and fitness products. Like other industries agriculture, especially irrigation, requires substantial energy inputs. According to estimates, agriculture uses 20% of electricity consumed at national level. Farmers have installed nine million diesel pump sets for groundwater irrigation. The high consumption....Read More

General Studies Paper 3 Context: The target of having 500 GW of non-fossil generating capacity by 2030 may look impressive. But, it may prove to be elusive unless we can enhance our storage capacity. Why is storage not a prominent challenge for the energy sector in current times? India has more than 200 GW of coal-based capacity. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission recognises 55% as the technical minimum. It means that a 1,000 MW plant can run at 550 MW. The additional operating cost for running the plant at 55% capacity is allowed by the CERC as legitimate expenditure. Why is there a....Read More

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