Current Context : Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren launched the ‘Upasthiti (attendance) Portal’ to monitor daily attendance of health department staff.
- Aims to enhance healthcare facilities and make district hospitals operational 24/7. Cross-verification of biometric data will be implemented to ensure accountability.
- It was carved out from the southern part of Bihar on November 15, 2000.
- Located in eastern India is bordered by Bihar to the north, West Bengal to the east, Odisha to the south, and Chhattisgarh to the west.
- It is the 15th largest state by area, and the 14th largest by population.
- Capital : Ranchi
- Major Cities : Jamshedpur ( known as Steel City) home to the Tata Steel plant, Dhanbad: Known for its coal mining activities.
- Tribal communities : the Santhals, Mundas, and Oraons.
- Languages: Hindi , local languages such as Santali, Mundari, and Ho.
- Festivals and Traditions: Sarhul, Makar Sankranti, and Dasai.
- Minerals: Rich in resources like coal, iron ore, bauxite, and mica. Jharkhand is a major producer of coal in India.
- Religious places : Parasnath, Baidyanath Dham, Maa Dewri Temple and Chhinnamasta Temple.
National Park : Betla National Park and Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary.