July 27, 2024

UN-ESCAP report

  • The report ‘The Race to Net Zero: Accelerating Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific’ was recently released by UNESCAP.
  • According to the report, most countries in the Asia-Pacific region are “insufficiently prepared” to face extreme weather events and natural disasters.

Major findings

  • The Asia-Pacific region has experienced a faster rise in temperatures over the past 60 years than the global average.
  • Natural and biological hazards in the Asia-Pacific region have contributed an estimated annual economic loss of $780 billion.
  • 85% of Asia and the Pacific’s primary energy supply comes from fossil fuels, while 60% of the region’s energy-related CO2 emissions come from


  • Control emissions in 3 key sectors- energy, transport, and international trade and investment.
  • Building low-carbon industries
  • Financing climate action through coherent policies


About Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

  • HQ-Bangkok, Thailand
  • It was established as Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) in 1947 in Shanghai. It changed its name to ESCAP in 1976.
  • It supports inclusive, resilient and sustainable development in Asia-Pacific region by generating action-oriented knowledge, and by providing technical assistance and capacity-building services.
  • 53 member states including India and 9 associate members.
  • One of the five regional commissions of UN.
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