The government of India has launched the People’s Plan Campaign titled ‘Sabki Yojna Sabka Vikas’ campaign for inclusive and holistic preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP).
About Sabki Yojna Sabka Vikas Campaign:
- Sabki Yojna Sabka Vikas campaign has been launched by the Ministry of Panchayats Raj from 2nd October 2020 to 31st January 2021. It was also launched in 2018 and 2019.
- Aim: To help Gram Panchayats (GPs) in the preparation of a convergent and holistic Gram Panchayat Development Plan(GPDP) through the identification of sectoral infrastructural gaps in respective areas.
Objectives of the Sabki Yojna Sabka Vikas Campaign: The objectives of the campaign include:
- Strengthening of elected representatives and Self Help Groups
- Evidence-based assessment of progress made in 2020-21 and proposals for 2021-22 in all 29 subjects of XI Schedule
- Public disclosure on Schemes, finances and
- Preparation of inclusive, participatory and evidence-based GPDP for 2021-22.
Significance of the campaign:
- Sabki Yojana Sabka Vikas is an effective strategy for ensuring the preparation of GPDP in a campaign mode. It also converges all resources available at the Panchayat level related to 29 subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
About Gram Panchayat Development Plan(GPDP):
- Under Article 243 G of the Constitution, Gram Panchayats have been mandated for the preparation of GPDP for economic development and social justice utilizing the resources available to them.
- The GPDP planning process should be comprehensive and participatory by involving full convergence with the schemes of all related Central Ministries / Line Departments.