July 27, 2024

Operation Pangea

Why in News ?

Interpol has conducted Operation Pangea XIV to target the sale of counterfeit and illicit medicines and medical products.


  • Operation Pangeais an international effort to target the online sale of counterfeit and illicit health products. It also aims to raise public awareness of the potential dangers of buying medicines online.
  • The first time Operation Pangea was conducted was in 2008.
  • Led by: The operation is coordinated by INTERPOL. It involved police, customs and health regulatory authorities from 92 countries.
  • India: Indian agencies also participated in the operation. The Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) is the nodal body for Interpol in the country.
  • Impact:
    • The operation resulted in around 1 lakh web links including websites and online marketplaces being closed down or removed.
    • Moreover, more than half of all medical devices seized during the operation were fake and unauthorized COVID-19 tests.
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