February 9, 2025

Why in News ?

49-year-old, Naftali Bennett has become new Prime Minister of Israel. He is a religious-nationalist and a multi-millionaire former tech entrepreneur who has also served as defence minister.  With this win, he has ended 12 unbroken years of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm.

Who is Naftali Bennett?

He is son of American-born parents who speaks perfect English. He is a religious Jew who began life with his parents in Haifa. He kept moving between North America and Israel for military service, law school and private sector. He is an ultra-nationalist and & hard-right leader. He served in elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit after which he went to law school at Hebrew University. He co-founded an anti-fraud software company called Cyota in 1999.  Cyota was sold to U.S.-based RSA Security in 2005.

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