July 27, 2024

General Studies Paper 2

Context: Recently, Japan has approved Official Development Assistance (ODA) to India, for a few Key projects.

  • India and Japan have had a long and fruitful history of bilateral development cooperation since 1958. In the last few years, the economic cooperation between India and Japan has steadily progressed.

What are the Key Projects under ODA?

  • Patna Metro Rail Construction Project:
    • 5,509 crores have been approved for Patna Metro Rail Construction Project (I).
    • It aims to cope with the increase of traffic demand in Patna by constructing the new metro corridor, thereby contributing toimprovement of the urban environment and development of the economy as well as mitigation of  Climate Change.
  • Forest and Biodiversity Conservation in West Bengal:
    • 520 crores approx. have been approved for the Project for Forest and Biodiversity Conservation for Climate Change Response in West Bengal.
    • It aims to mitigate and adapt to climate change, conserve and restore ecosystems by ecosystem-based climate change measures,biodiversity conservation and restoration, thereby contributing to sustainable socio-economic development in the State.
  • Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement Project:
    • 1,055.53 crores have been approved for Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood Improvement Project (II).
    • It aims to improve livelihoods of farmers as well as promote gender mainstreaming in agriculture and irrigation sector in the State, by improving water use efficiency and agriculture productivity, through improvement of existing irrigation facilities and agriculture support services.

What are the Other ODAs to India from Japan?

  • Delhi Metro is one of the most successful examples of Japanese cooperation through the utilization of ODA.
  • India’s Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) project is funded by a soft loan provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency under Special terms for economic partnership (STEP).
  • Besides, Japan and India had committed to build High-Speed Railways in India by introducing Japan’s Shinkansen System.
  • India Japan Nuclear Deal 2016will help India build the six nuclear reactors in southern India, increasing nuclear energy capacity ten-fold by 2032


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