April 25, 2024

Why in news

  • Recently, the bull-taming sport of Jallikattu, also known as ‘Eru Thazhuvuthal’ and ‘Mancuvirattu’, has begun in full swing in the Palamedu of Madurai district.
  • This traditional event, which is a part of the Pongal celebrations and is held on the day of Mattu Pongal, is a sport where a bull is let loose among a crowd, and participants attempt to take control of the bull by holding on to its hump for as long as they can.
  • The sport is held in various locations across the state, including Avaniyapuram, Palamedu, and Alanganallur.
  • This year, over 9,690 bulls and 5,399 tamers have registered online for participating in the Jallikattu.
  • Mann Kuthal Process
    • Before the Jallikattu event, the ‘Mann Kuthal’ process takes place where bulls are trained to develop their skills by digging their horns in the wet earth. The bulls are prepared to attack when someone tries to catch their hump.
  • The sport is a traditional way of preserving pure breed native bulls for the peasant community. Currently, cattle breeding has become an artificial process. The conservationists argue that Jallikattu is the best way to protect the male animals which otherwise are used only for meat.
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