July 27, 2024

Why in News ?

  • India wind energy market outlook was released by Global Wind Energy Council. As per the report, India has a pipeline of 10.3 GW in Central and State markets. These pipelines will drive installations until 2023. Report highlights India will install 20 GW of wind energy capacity by 2021-25.

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)

  • GWEC was established in 2005. It provides credible and representative forum for entire wind energy sector at international level.
  • Its mission is to ensure that, wind power is established as the leading energy sources in world, providing several environmental and economic benefits. As per GWEC, even though there are temporary supply chain difficulties, international wind markets are growing strongly. European Union is the leading market in wind energy having around 48 GW of installed capacity.
  • Headquarters-Brussels, Belgium
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