Current Context : The Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO’s) uncrewed Gaganyaan mission in 2025 will carry the female half humanoid Vyomitra (literally “space friend”).
- The design for Vyomitra’s skull, fashioned by ISRO’s Inertial Systems Unit in the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- The humanoid skull model has dimensions of 200mm x 200mm, and weighs only 800 grams.
- Robotic systems are used to assist astronauts in performing repetitive and/or dangerous tasks in space, like cleaning of solar panels or fixing faulty equipment located outside the spacecraft.
- This protects astronauts, and allows them to work on the scientific mission at hand.
- Humanoids (or half-humanoids) are robotic systems designed to resemble humans.
- Vyomitra comes with movable arms, a torso, a face, and a neck and function autonomously in space.