National Research Centre on Yak (NRCY) at Dirang in Arunachal Pradesh has partnered with National Insurance Company Ltd. to insure high-altitude yak.
What are the concerns?
High-altitude yaks are feeling the climate change heat in Himalayan belt. Climate change and inexplicable changes in weather pattern have been reported from yak rearing areas across India. As a result, countrywide population yak has been decreasing at an alarming rate. In 2019, about 500 yaks died in single spell of heavy rainfall in northern Sikkim. That caused a heavy financial burden on owners. As per a report, number of yaks in India has declined by 24.7% between 2012 and 2019.
How Insurance policy will help?
Yak population in India
Total yak population in India is 58,000. Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir have 26,000 Yaks, followed by 24,000 in Arunachal Pradesh, 5,000 in Sikkim and 2,000 in Himachal Pradesh. Some 1,000 Yaks are there in West Bengal and Uttarakhand.
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