Department of Biotechnology (DBT) & National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) has created a first of its king database of genomic variation in oral cancer. NIBMG made this database accessible to public. Database is being called as dbGENVOC.
About dbGENVOC
- It is a free resource and a browsable online database of genomic Variants of Oral Cancer. First release of dbGENVOC comprises of
- 24 million somatic and germline variants which have been derived from whole exome sequences of 100 oral cancer patients & whole genome sequences of 5 oral cancer patients.
- Somatic variation data from 220 patient samples were collected from USA and analyzed by TCGA-HNSCC project.
- Variants were identified by community approved best practice protocol and were annotated with the help of multiple analytic pipelines.
- dbGENVOC is a catalogue of genomic variants as well as a built-in search engine. It allows a reasonable extent of statistical and bioinformatic analysis to be carried out such as identification of variants in associated altered pathways in oral cancer.
- It will be updated annually with variation data of new oral cancer patients from India southeast Asia.
- It will support advances in oral cancer research.