October 10, 2024

Why in news ?

Recently, UN body has endorsed a multinational project called “Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Coastal Observations, Applications, Services, and Tools (CEOS COAST)”.


  • CEOS COAST programme is co-led by ISRO and NOAA from US.
  • This programme aims to improve accuracy of coastal data on the basis of satellite and land-based observations.
  • It also seeks to foster trust and collaboration among scientists.
  • This pilot projects are uniquely capable of using Earth Observation technologies to meet 17 UN-designated sustainable development goals for Ocean Decade initiative.
  • Themes of these projects are disaster risk reduction & coastal resilience among continental shorelines & small island nations.

About National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is an American scientific agency working under the United States Department of Commerce. It focuses on conditions of oceans, major waterways, and atmosphere. It warns about the dangerous weather, charts seas and guides on use & protection of ocean & coastal resources. It also conducts research to provide understanding and improve stewardship of environment.

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