Why in news ?
The Hayagriva Madhava Temple Committee in Assam has signed a MoU with Turtle Survival Alliance India, Help Earth, and Assam Forests Department to conserve the Black Softshell Turtle.
As part of the pact, a Vision Document 2030 was also released. The document aims to raise at least 1,000 black softshell turtles by 2030.
About Black Softshell Turtle (Nilssonia nigricans):
- Black Softshell Turtle is a species of freshwater turtle. It is found in India and Bangladesh.
- Brahmaputra’s drainage and Near Temple Ponds in Assam
- Bangladesh (Chittagong and Sylhet)
- IUCN Status:Critically Endangered
- Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: It does not enjoy legal protection.
- Temple Ponds in Assam conserve Turtles based on religious grounds.
- At the Bayazid Bostami shrine in Chittagong, Bangladesh, the black softshell turtle is known as mazari(inhabitant).
- Hunted for turtle meat and cartilage in regional and international markets.