July 27, 2024
  • The Supreme Court of India has upheld the constitutional validity of the Constitution 102nd Amendment Act, 2018.

About 102nd Amendment Act, 2018:

  • The 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2018 gave constitutional status to the National Backward Classes Commission.
  • The Amendment also gives the President Powers to notify backward classes.
  • The 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act inserted the articles 338 B and 342 A.
  • It has brought about changes in Article 366.
  • Article 338B deals with the structure, duties and powers of the National Commission of Backward Class.
  • Article 342A (1): Empowers the President to notify, in consultation with the governor, for each state and Union Territory, the list of socially and educationally backward classes.
  • Article 342A (2): Vests in Parliament the authority to include groups in the Central list or exclude them from it.


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