April 26, 2024
  • Authorities in Colombia have warned of an increase in seismic activity around the Nevado del Ruiz volcano.
  • Nevado del Ruiz is situated in the Andes mountain range, approximately 129 km (80 mi) from the capital city of Bogotá.
  • Nevado del Ruiz is situated in the Ring of Fire, a belt of intense seismic activity that encircles the Pacific Ocean.
  • It is a stratovolcano and considered one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the country, with a history of generating destructive lahars and pyroclastic flows.
  • The volcano’s composition consists of layers of lava, volcanic ash, and pyroclastic rocks, which have built up over approximately two million years of volcanic activity.
  • History – The eruption in 1985 caused the deadliest lahar in recorded history, known as the Armero tragedy. The lahar, which was triggered by the melting of snow and ice on the volcano’s summit during the eruption, swept away the town of Armero and claimed the lives of over 23,000 people.
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