April 26, 2024

General Studies Paper 3

  • Context: A new Study Warns of doubling of Plastic Consumption in G20 countries by 2050 without new policies.

Plastic Consumption across Globe

  • According to a report by the Back to Blue initiative, Plastic consumption in G20 countries may nearly double by 2050 unless new global policies are put in place to reduce its use.
  • Countries with the highest economic and population growth are likely to see the largest increase in plastic consumption in the coming decades.
  • Plastic consumption is expected to nearly double by 2050, reaching 451 million tonnes from 261 million tonnes in 2019.
  • Single-use plastic ban is the most effective policy,but even with the ban, plastic consumption across G20 countries will be 1.48 times higher in 2050 compared to 2019.
  • Extended producer responsibility schemes will have a minimal effect on the consumption of single-use plastic products, but still a vital part of the solution.
  • Currently, the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, prohibits manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of carry bags and plastic sheets less than 50 microns in thickness in the country.

What is the Significance of Plastic?

  • Resistant, inert, and lightweight,plastic offers many benefits to companies, consumers, and other links in society. This is all because of its low-cost and versatile nature.
    • In the medical industry, plastics are used to keep things sterile. Syringes and surgical implements are all plastic and single use.
    • In the automotive industry, it has allowed a significant reduction in vehicle weight, reducing fuel consumption and, consequently, the environmental impact of automobiles.

Issues / Challenges with Plastic

  • Environmental: It is harmful to the environment as it is non-biodegradable and takes years to disintegrate.
    • Marine wildlife such as seabirds, whales, fishes and turtles eat plastic waste and most die of starvation as their stomachs are filled with plastic debris.
  • Food and health:Invisible plastic has been identified in tap water, beer, salt and are present in all samples collected in the world’s oceans, including the Arctic.
    • The transfer of contaminants between marine species and humans through the consumption of seafood has been identified as a health hazard.
      • Fish consume thousands of tons of plastic in a year, ultimately transferring it up the food chain to marine mammals.
    • Climate change: Plastic, which is a petroleum product, also contributes to global warming. If plastic waste is incinerated, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thereby increasing carbon emissions.
    • Tourism: Plastic waste damages the aesthetic value of tourist destinations, leading to decreased tourism-related incomes and major economic costs related to the cleaning and maintenance of the sites.
    • Financial costs of marine plastic pollution:According to conservative forecasts made in March 2020, the direct harm to the blue economy of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will be $2.1 billion per year.

Challenges in controlling plastic pollution:

  • Weak enforcement of regulations: While India has enacted laws to control plastic pollution, enforcement remains weak due to limited resources and inadequate monitoring and reporting mechanisms.
  • Lack of public awareness:There is a need for more widespread public education campaigns to promote plastic alternatives and proper waste disposal practices.
  • Limited infrastructure:There is a lack of proper waste collection and segregation systems, and many landfill sites are poorly managed and overflowing.
  • Recycling challenges: While India has a vibrant informal recycling sector, there are challenges with the quality and safety of recycled plastics, as well as a lack of standardized recycling processes and technologies.
  • Single-use plastic production: India still produces a significant amount of single-use plastic items, such as straws, cutlery, and bags, which are difficult to recycle and often end up in landfills or waterways.

Steps taken by India to control plastic pollution

  • Ban on single-use plastics:India has banned the production, use, and sale of single-use plastics such as bags, cups, plates, cutlery, and straws in many states.
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):The Indian government has implemented EPR, making plastic manufacturers responsible for managing and disposing of the waste generated by their products.
  • Plastic Waste Management Rules: India introduced the Plastic Waste Management Rules in 2016, which provide a framework for managing plastic waste through various measures, including recycling and waste-to-energy initiatives.
  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: The Indian government launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, a national cleanliness campaign, which includes the collection and disposal of plastic waste.
  • Plastic Parks: India has set up Plastic Parks, which are specialized industrial zones for recycling and processing plastic waste.
  • Beach clean-up drives: The Indian government and various non-governmental organizations have organized beach clean-up drives to collect and dispose of plastic waste from beaches.
  • Awareness campaigns: India has launched awareness campaigns to educate people about the harmful effects of plastic pollution and encourage them to use sustainable alternatives.

Way Forward

  • Identifying Hotspots:
    • Identifying key hotspots of Plastic leakage associated with production, consumption, and disposal of Plastic can assist governments in developing effective policies that address the plastic problem directly.
  • Breaking Down Plastic Waste:
    • Plastic has become so enmeshed in our ecosystem that bacteria have evolved to digest it. ‘
      • Plastic-eating bacteria, discovered in Japan, have been cultivated and modified to digest polyester plastics (food packaging and plastic bottles)
    • Circular Economy for Plastic Management:
      • Circular economy can reduce material use, redesigns materials to be less resource intensive, and recaptures “waste” as a resource to manufacture new materials and products.
        • Circular economy is not just applicable to the global currents of plastic and clothes, but can also contribute significantly to the achievement of sustainable development goals.
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