April 27, 2024


  • The Hanle and Merak observatories in Ladakh spotted a phenomenon uncommon in Indiaan intense red aurora.
    • Auroras are patterns of bright lights in the sky that are seen when particles ejected by the Sun interact with the magnetic field around the Earth.
    • The phenomenon is usually visible closer to the poles.
  • Hanle is an ideal place to observe the phenomenon as it is India’s only dark sky reserve — an area where special measures are taken to reduce artificial light pollution.
    • It is located 4500 metres above sea level.
  • Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bengaluru, used an All-sky Camera to capture this extraordinary event.
  • The red-coloured auroral activity, an unusual spectacle was attributed to a Stable Auroral Red (SAR) event, a rare atmospheric phenomenon that paints the sky in vivid shades of red, contrasting the more common green and blue curtains of light typically associated with auroras at higher latitudes.
    • The SAR event was triggered by a geomagnetic storm, a major disturbance of Earth’s magnetosphere caused by a solar storm.
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