April 30, 2024


Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued an advisory to banks and other financial institutions to be prepared for year-end transition from London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor).

Transition from Libor

Global transition from Libor became necessary because banks were manipulating rate in 2007-08. Following the incident, investigation was led by Financial Services Authority (FSA) of Britain.


  • India’s exposure to borrowings linked to benchmark is estimated to be around $331 billion.
  • RBI asked banks and other financial institutions to incorporate robust fall-back clauses before cessation date, in all financial contracts where maturity is after announced cessation date of benchmark.
  • It asked banks to ensure that new contracts entered into before December 31 but mature after cessation date include fall-back clauses.
  • Banks are also encouraged to cease using Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate (Mifor).
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