April 29, 2024

Why in news?

  • Every year on January 15, India celebrates its Army Day and this year marks the 75th anniversary of the Indian army day.
  • It is the day on which Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa (then a Lieutenant General) took over as the first Commander­in­Chief of the Indian Army from the last British Commander­in­Chief of India, General Fransis Bucher in the year 1949.
  • Parades, medal presenting and other ceremonies are organized to celebrate the Army Day.
  • With “Service before self” as its motto, the Indian Army is the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces.

More on the news

  • Originally, the Indian army was formed under the British rule on April 1, 1895 and was called as British Indian Army.
  • After India got its independence in the year 1947, it was only on January 15, 1949, when the country got its first Indian chief. Lt Gen K M Carriappa took over as commander­inchief of the Indian Army in 1949 from General Francis Butcher.
  • The transfer of power from the British to India signifies an important moment in the Indian history and is celebrated as Army Day.
  • This day also also honors the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for the country.


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