February 9, 2025
With reference to Basic structure doctrine, arrange the Landmark Cases in Chronological Order from the earliest:
1. Golaknath case
2. Shankari Prasad case
3. Minerva Mills case
4. Kesavananda Bharati case
Select the correct answer using code given below:
  • (A) 2-1-4-3.
  • (B) 2-1-3-4
  • (C) 3-1-2-4
  • (D) 3-2-1-4
With reference to Basic Structure Doctrine, consider the following statements:
1. The term “Basic Structure” was added to the constitution after the Landmark  Keshavananda Bharti Case.
2. The Supreme Court has the power to declare any law unconstitutional if it finds that the Law violates the Basic structure of the Constitution.
Which of the Statements given above is/are correct?
  • (A)  1 only
  • (B)  2 only
  • (C)  Both 1 and 2
  • (D) None of these
Which Features are considered to be part of the Basic Structure of Indian Constitution ?
1. Democratic and republican form of government.
2. Harmony and balance between the Fundamental Rights and DPSP.
3.Judicial Review power.
4. Rule of Law.
5. Federal character of the Constitution.
Select the correct answer using codes given below:
  • (A)  1 and 2 only
  • (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
  • (C) 1, 2,4 and 5 only
  • (D) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Consider the following statements regarding Minerva Mills Case (1980) in Supreme Court related to Basic structure:
1. Balance between Fundamental Rights and Directive principles of state policy were added as features to the Basic Structure.
2. Limited power of Parliament in amending the constitution was also added to the list of Basic structure.
Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
  • (A)  1 only
  • (B)  2 only
  • (C)  Both 1 and 2
  • (D)  None of the above
With Reference to the Basic Structure, Consider the following statements:
1. In the Golaknath case (1967), the Supreme Court held that Parliament can not amend Fundamental Rights, and this power rests only with the Constituent Assembly.
2. In the Kesavananda Bharati case, the Supreme court said that Parliament can amend any part of the Constitution including the Basic Structure Constituents.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) None of the above
Article 1 of Indian Constitution stipulates that “India, i.e., Bharat, shall be a Union of States“. This implies -
1. The Indian Federation is the result of an agreement among the states like the American Federation.
2. The states have no right to secede from the federation.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
  • (A)  1 only
  • (B)  2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) None of the above
Consider the following statements with reference to the formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries, or names of existing states :
1. A bill contemplating the above changes can be introduced in the Parliament only with the prior recommendation of the President
2. Before recommending the bill, the President has to refer the same to the state legislature concerned for expressing its views within a specified period
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) None of the above
With reference to Union and its territories, consider the following statements:
1. The term Union of India denotes not only the states but also union territories and territories that may be acquired by the Government of India at any future time.
2. The term territory of India denotes only states comprising India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) None of these
With reference to Article 3 of Indian Constitution, consider following statements:
1. The territorial integrity or continued existence of any state is not guaranteed by the Constitution.
2. The President (or Parliament) is not bound by the views of the state legislature and may either accept or reject them, even if the views are received in time.
Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) None of these
Consider the following statements with respect to Article 4 of Indian Constitution:
1. Laws made for admission or establishment of new states (under Article 2) and formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries, or names of existing states (under Articles 3) are to be considered as Amendment under 368.
2. Settlement of a boundary dispute between India and another country however does not require a constitutional amendment.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • (A)  1 only
  • (B)  2 only
  • (C) Both 1and 2
  • (D) None of these
  • (A)
  • (B)
  • (C)
  • (D)

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