July 27, 2024
Which of these are not written by Harshavardhana.
  • (A) Priyadarshika
  • (B) Nagnanda
  • (C) Harshcharit
  • (D) Ratnavali
Which of these inscriptions does not mention anything about King Harshvardhana
  • (A) Madhuban inscriptions
  • (B) Sonpat Inscriptions
  • (C) Banskhera Inscriptions
  • (D) Tosham Inscriptions
Identify who is being talked about in the Below given Statements
1. His capital was Thaneswar, north of Delhi.
2. He assumed the title Maharajadhiraja and Paramabhattaraka. Choose the Correct Option
  • (A) Harshavardhana
  • (B) Rajvardhana
  • (C) Narsimhaverdhana
  • (D) Prabhakarvardhana
A chalukyan king defeated Harshvarhdana & in turn he himself was defeated by a Pallava ruler. Who was the king who defeated Chalukyan ruler talked about here?
  • (A) Pulkeshin-ii
  • (B) Narsimhaverman-I
  • (C) Vishnuvardhana
  • (D) Prabhakarvardhana
Consider the below given statements with regard to King Harshavardhana
1. Harsha united the two kingdoms of Thanesar and Kannauj.
2. He moved his capital to Kannauj.
3. He was contemporary to sasanka of Gowda Dynasty
4. In his early life, Harsha was devoted to Shiva but later he became an ardent Mahayana Buddhist under the influence of Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang.
Choose the correct code
  • (A) 1 only correct
  • (B) 2 only correct
  • (C) 3 & 4 are correct only
  • (D) All of the above correct
Consider the below given statements regarding NALANDA University
1. The professors of the University were called panditas.
2. Nalanda University was a residential university and education was free including the boarding and lodging.
3. It was mainly related to Hinayana sect
Which of the above are correct
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 1 & 2 only
  • (C) 2 & 3 only
  • (D) All of the above
Identify which of these Dynasties with the city which they were associated are correctly matched
1. Chalukyas – Vengi
2. Pallvas-Madurai
3. Pandyas- Mamallapuram
Choose the correct code
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) 3 only
  • (D) All of the above
Consider these statements regarding Harshavardhan’s period & social life during that age
1. The Kshatriyas were the ruling class.
2. The Vysyas were mainly traders.
3. Hiuen Tsang mentions that the Sudras practiced agriculture.
4. The position of women was satisfactory.
Choose the correct statement/statements
  • (A) 1 & 3 only correct
  • (B) 2 only correct
  • (C) 1,2 & 3 only correct
  • (D) All of the above
Which king is being talked about in these statements
1. He assumed a Title Vallabheshwara
2. He made Badami or Vatapi as his capital.
Choose the correct option
  • (A) Rajaraja chola
  • (B) Pulkeshin-1
  • (C) Narsimhaverman-1
  • (D) Aditya Chola
Which of These below given city was the capital city of Pallavas Choose the correct answer
  • (A) Kanchipuram
  • (B) Vengi
  • (C) Musiri
  • (D) Tondi
Which of these kings is being talked about here
He was defeated by one of their feudatories, Dantidurga
Choose the correct code
  • (A) Kirtivarman-2
  • (B) Narsimhaverman-2
  • (C) Jayasimha -2
  • (D) Karikalan
Which of these statement/staements is correct
1. The Chalukyan king Vikramaditya II (733-745 C.E.) is said to have overrun Kanchi three times.
2. In 740 C.E. he completely routed the Pallavas and his victory ended the Pallava supremacy in the far south
Choose the correct code
  • (A) 1 only correct
  • (B) 2 only correct
  • (C) None of the Above is correct
  • (D) All of the above are correct
Consider these statements regarding chalukyan administaration
1. The Chalukya administration was highly centralized unlike that of the Pallavas and the Cholas.
2. Village autonomy was absent under the Chalukyas.
3. The Chalukyas had a Large military.
Choose the correct code
  • (A) 1 & 2 only correct
  • (B) 2 & 3 only correct
  • (C) 3 only correct
  • (D) All of the above are correct
Consider these statements regarding socio-religious life during the period of Chalukyas
1. The Badami Chalukyas were follower of Jainism but they gave respect to other religions. .
2. The founder of the dynasty Pulakesin I performed the asvamedha sacrifice.
3. A number of temples in honour of Vishnu, Siva and other gods were also built during this period.
Choose the Correct code
  • (A) 1 & 2 only correct
  • (B) 2 & 3 only correct
  • (C) 3 only correct
  • (D) All of the above are correct
Consider these statements related to Historical Figure from Ancient India --Ravikirti
1. He was the court poet of Pulakesin I
2. He composed the Aihole inscription
3. He was a Jain Devotee 1.
Choose the correct answer
  • (A) 1 is correct only
  • (B) 1 & 2 are correct only
  • (C) 2 & 3 are correct only
  • (D) All the Above are Correct

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