April 25, 2024
Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
  • (A) Dengue
  • (B) AIDS
  • (C) Typhoid
  • (D) Influenza
Which one of the following diseases is caused by protozoans?
  • (A) Malaria
  • (B) Influenza
  • (C) AIDS
  • (D) Cholera
Making anti-viral drugs is more difficult than making anti-bacterial medicines because
  • (A) Viruses make use of host machinery
  • (B) Viruses are on the border line of living and non-living
  • (C) Viruses have very few biochemical mechanisms of their own
  • (D) Viruses have a protein coat
Diseases are broadly grouped into infectious and non-infectious diseases. In the list given below, identify the infectious diseases.
i. Cancer
ii. Influenza
iii. Allergy
iv. Small pox
  • (A) i and ii
  • (B) ii and iii
  • (C) iii and iv
  • (D) ii and iv
The disease chikunguniya is transmitted by:
  • (A) House fly
  • (B) Aedes mosquito
  • (C) Cockroach
  • (D) Female Anopheles
Antibodies present in colostrum which protect the new born from certain diseases is of
  • (A) Ig G type
  • (B) Ig A type
  • (C) Ig D type
  • (D) Ig E type
Which of the following diseases are transmitted from one person to another?
2. Cirrhosis
3. Hepatitis B
4. Syphilis
Select the correct answer using the code given below
  • (A) 2, 3 and 4
  • (B) 1, 3 and 4
  • (C) 1 and 2
  • (D) All of these
Consider the following statements regarding antibiotics
1. They are used to destroy disease-causing bacteria.
2. They can be applied to the skin, swallowed or injected to fight micro-organisms inside the body.
3. They are effective against disease-causing viruses.
4. The first antibiotic to be discovered was Tetracycline.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
  • (A) 1 and 2
  • (B) 1, 2 and 4
  • (C) 2, 3 and 4
  • (D) Only 1
Which one among the following is the generic name of the causal organism of Elephantiasis ?
  • (A) Filaria
  • (B) Microfilaria
  • (C) Wuchereria bancrofti
  • (D) Culex pipiens
Which of the following glands is large sized at birth but reduces in size with ageing?
  • (A) Pineal
  • (B) Pituitary
  • (C) Thymus
  • (D) Thyroid
Which of the following statement are correct regarding Rio +20?
1. “Rio+20” is the short name for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 2002.
2. Official discussions focused how to build a green economy to achieve sustainable development and lift people out of poverty.
Select the correct code:
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) Neither 1 nor 2
Which of the following National Parks is unique in being a swamp with floating vegetation that supports a rich biodiversity?
  • (A) Bhitarkanika National Park
  • (B) Keibul Lamjao National Park
  • (C) Keoladeo Ghana National Park
  • (D) Sultanpur National Park
Consider the following statements with reference to Primary Productivity of ecosystem:
1. Net primary productivity is Gross Primary Productivity minus amount of biomass consumed by the primary consumers.
2. Primary productivity of the oceans is more than the land.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  • (A) 1 only
  • (B) 2 only
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) Neither 1 nor 2
Which among the following is/are the sedimentary nutrient cycles?
1. Nitrogen cycle
2. Phosphorus cycle
3. Sulphur cycle
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
  • (A) 1 and 2 only
  • (B) 2 and 3 only
  • (C) 3 only
  • (D) 1, 2 and 3
Which among the following ecosystems are likely to face the impact of global warming more than the others?
  • (A) Monsoon forests
  • (B) Grasslands
  • (C) Tundra forests
  • (D) Desert ecosystems

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