July 27, 2024
Ecotone is:
  • (A) A polluted area
  • (B) The bottom of a lake
  • (C) A zone of transition between two communities
  • (D) A zone of developing community
Ecological niche is:
  • (A) The surface area of the ocean
  • (B) An ecologically adapted zone
  • (C) The physical position and functional role of a species within the community
  • (D) Formed of all plants and animals living at the bottom of a lake
According to Allen’s Rule, the mammals from colder climates have:
  • (A) Shorter ears and longer limbs
  • (B) Longer ears and shorter limbs
  • (C) Longer ears and longer limbs
  • (D) Shorter ears and shorter limbs
Population in a given habitat?
  • (A) Natality > mortality
  • (B) Immigration > emigration
  • (C) Mortality and emigration
  • (D) Natality and immigration
What will happen to a well growing herbaceous plant in the forest if it is transplanted outside the forest in a park?
  • (A) It will grow normally
  • (B) It will grow well because it is planted in the same locality
  • (C) It may not survive because of change in its micro climate
  • (D) It grows very well because the plant gets more sunlight
Amensalism is an association between two species where:
  • (A) One species is harmed and other is benefitted
  • (B) One species is harmed and other is unaffected
  • (C) One species is benefitted and other is unaffected
  • (D) Both the species are harmed.
Lichens are association of:
  • (A) Bacteria and fungus
  • (B) Alga and bacterium
  • (C) Fungus and alga
  • (D) Fungus and virus
Which one of the following organisms reproduces sexually only once in its life time?
  • (A) Banana
  • (B) Mango
  • (C) Tomato
  • (D) Eucalyptus
Decomposers like fungi and bacteria are:
i. autotrophs
ii. heterotrophs
iii. saprotrophs
iv. chemo-autotrophs.
Choose the correct answer:
  • (A) i and iii,
  • (B) i and iv
  • (C) ii and iii
  • (D) i and ii
An inverted pyramid of biomass can be found in which ecosystem?
  • (A) Forest
  • (B) Marine
  • (C) Grass land
  • (D) Tundra
Pyramid of numbers is:
  • (A) Always upright
  • (B) Always inverted
  • (C) Either upright or inverted
  • (D) Neither upright nor inverted.
Among the following bio-geo-chemical cycles which one does not have losses due to respiration?
  • (A) Phosphorus
  • (B) Nitrogen
  • (C) Sulphur
  • (D) All of the above
Edaphic factor refers to:
  • (A) Water
  • (B) Soil
  • (C) Relative humidity
  • (D) Altitude
The zone at the edge of a lake or ocean which is alternatively exposed to air and immersed in water is called:
  • (A) Pelagic zone
  • (B) Benthic zone
  • (C) Lentic one
  • (D) Littoral zone
Climax community is in a state of:
  • (A) Non-equilibrium
  • (B) Equilibrium
  • (C) Disorder
  • (D) Constant change.

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