July 27, 2024
Which state has become India’s first to pass its own Wildlife Action Plan?
  • (A) Mizoram
  • (B) Kerala
  • (C) Maharashtra
  • (D) Uttar Pradesh
Who has been appointed as chairperson of the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID)?
  • (A) K V Kamath
  • (B) Arvind Subramanium
  • (C) Jagdish Bhagwati
  • (D) Arvind Panagariya
The 18th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-India Summit was held under the chairmanship of-
  • (A) Singapore
  • (B) Indonesia
  • (C) Malaysia
  • (D) Brunei
Facebook has been rebranded with new name that is-
  • (A) Meta
  • (B) Beta
  • (C) Alphabet
  • (D) Zeus
Consider the following statements: 1. Green Day Ahead Market (GDAM) was launched in India in 2019. 2. India is the only large electricity market in the world to implement a GDAM exclusively for renewable energy. Which of the above statements are correct?
  • (A) Only 1
  • (B) Only 2
  • (C) Both 1 and 2
  • (D) Neither 1 nor 2
INS Tushil, launched recently is a-
  • (A) Offshore patrol vehicle
  • (B) stealth frigate
  • (C) corvette
  • (D) aircraft carrier

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