September 16, 2024

HPAS Mains 2021/22 Answer Writing Challenge Day 13 : 19-10-2021

HPAS Mains Syllabus General Studies Paper 1 : Polity and Governance

Question : Explain the significance of Right to access to Internet in a democracy. (8 Marks, 120 Words)

Understanding of question:


Directive Explain:   Make an idea or situation clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
 Introduction Right to internet as per judicial interpretation
 Body As an ideal, democracy aims essentially to preserve and promote the dignity and fundamental rights of the individual, to achieve social justice, foster the economic and social development of the community, strengthen the cohesion of society and enhance national tranquillity.

Internet access means access to actionable information, innovation best practices, access to finance and credit facilities, facilitation of entrepreneurship and an enhanced employment market.

In terms of social benefits, internet access helps by facilitating and enabling an enhanced utility value of primary necessities, internet access can prove a useful accelerator in all social development objectives

Conclusion Way forward
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