February 14, 2025

HPAS/Allied Mains 2022 Answer Writing Challenge Day 53 : Model Answer

Question “The reign of Maharaja Sansar Chand has been quoted as a golden age in architectural history of Kangra”, Comment on the statement (8 Marks 120 words)


Understanding of question: 
Introduction Maharja Sansar Chand(MSC) also coronated with the title “CHATRAPATI NARESH”, for his generosity shown towards the artists and art lovers, has done enormous things for upliftment of architecture during his reign 
Main Body Golden Age :-


1.     MSC. Believed in religious spiritual elevation hence he had renovated Baijnath temple in 1786 ad,

2.     He also constructed the Tira Sujanpur temple with largest Asthadhatu Idols of SHIVA, PARVATI AND NANDI.

3.     IN 1791 he again dedicated a temple to Krishna cult, called as Murli Manihar temple around the sujanpur maidan

4.     In 1793 a temple dedicated to Gauri Shankar, in the memory of his mother “ SANSAR CHANDERSHWAR’


1.     The towns of Kangra and Sujanur were beautified by him

2.     The mahals like “Zanana Mahal”, for the charm of queens were laid down by him

3.     Town fortification at Nadaun ie. “Chaumaukhi fort”, is an exemplary fortitude shown by him for his inclination towards good architecture .

4.     The gardens of Alampur, almost rivalling the Mughals


1.     The great Durbar Hall at Tira Sujanpur having 22 halls representing every ruler subdued by him

2.     The tomb of Fazal Shah and Bikha Shah at Naduan and Bhawarna respectively shows his side of respect. His erection of tombs also hints at the architectural elements the maharaja tried to diffuse from other rulers especially the Mughals

ConclusionHe is also remembered as a patron of the arts, and the Kangra paintings. A museum to honour Maharaja Sansar Chand has been set up by the members of the Katoch Dynasty.  
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