January 13, 2025

HPAS/Allied Mains 2022 Answer Writing Challenge Day 34: Model Answer

The NAPCC gives the direction which India needs to take, to mitigate and adapt to climate change . Explain


Understanding of question:
Directive Explain : Explain gives a clear account as to How/Why something happens. A candidate here is expected to clarify with relevant facts and implications.
Introduction What is NAPCC ?
Main Body Principles of NAPCC –

•      Achieving national growth

•      Better technology

•      Market Mechanism

•      Inclusivity

Missions of NAPCC

Conclusion Importance of NAPCC to mitigate climate change



The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) was launched in 2008 by the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change.

It aims at creating awareness among the representatives of the public, different agencies of the government, scientists, industry and the communities on the threat posed by climate change and the steps to counter it.

There are 8 national missions forming the core of the NAPCC which represent multi-pronged, long term and integrated strategies for achieving key goals in climate change. These are-

  • National Solar Mission
  • National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
  • National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
  • National Water Mission
  • National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
  • National Mission for A Green India
  • National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
  • National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change


Salient Features

  • NAPCC is guided by following principles-
  • Protection of poor and vulnerable sections of society through inclusive and sustainable development strategy, sensitive to climate change.
  • Achievements of national growth through qualitative changes enhancing ecological sustainability.
  • Deployment of appropriate technologies for both adaptation and mitigation of GreenHouse Gases emissions extensively and at an accelerated pace.
  • Regulatory and voluntary mechanisms to promote sustainable development and engineering new and innovative forms of market.
  • Effective implementation of plans using unique linkages like civil society and local governments through public-private partnership.
  • Invite international cooperation for research, development, sharing and transfer of data and technologies enabled by sufficient funding and backed up by a global IPR regime under the United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

By releasing the NAPCC, the Indian government has shown its commitment to address climate change issues and also sent a positive message to the public, industries, and civil society about the government’s concern to address the climate change issue through concerted action.

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