February 13, 2025

HPAS/Allied Mains 2022 Answer Writing Challenge Day 18 : Model Answer

Question:- Enumerate the essential features of Indian Council Act of 1892.


Understanding of question: question is asking us to list down essential (important features of council act 1892) very direct answer is required  
IntroductionIndians were gradually becoming aware of their rights with the growth of nationalism. Hence to fixate the demands council act 1892 was passed. 
Main Body1.    The act provided for additional members in the central as well as provincial legislative councils.(Central Legislative Council → minimum 10, maximum 16,Bombay → 8,Madras → 20,Bengal → 20,North Western province →15,Oudh →15)

2.    The powers of the legislative councils was increased. The members could now discuss the budget without right to vote on it. They were also not allowed to ask supplementary questions.

3.    They could ask questions on domestic matters with prior permission of the Governor General. They were also allowed to ask questions on public interest.

4.    The Governor General in Council was empowered to make rules for nomination of the members subject to approval of Secretary of State for India.

5.    A system of indirect elections was introduced to elect the members of the councils. The universities, district board, municipalities, zamindars and chambers of commerce were empowered to recommend members to provincial councils.

6.    Functions of the provincial legislative councils were enlarged and they were empowered to make new laws or repeal the old ones with the prior permission of Governor General.

7.    Governor General was empowered to fill the seat in the case of Central legislative and by the Governor in the case of provincial legislature.

ConclusionThe act of 1892 can be said to be a first step towards the beginning of the representative government in India. 
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