September 11, 2024

HPAS/Allied Mains 2022 Answer Writing Challenge Day 06: Model Answer

Question: Write a short note on major changes in the Centre-state fiscal relation in recent years . (4 Marks, 60 words)


Article 268 to 293 in Part XII of the constitution deals centre-state fiscal relations. Fiscal relations between the union and state governments have undergone significant changes in recent years.:

  • Abolition of the Planning Commission and creation of the NITI Aayog.
  • Higher tax devolution to the states on the recommendations of 15th finance commission
  • 101 Amendment Act 2016 introduced of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and provided for the establishment of the GST Council under Article 279A for deliberation and joint decision making.


  • Introduction of GST has reduced the taxation power of the states, making them more dependent on Centre for finance. For example: Delays in fund transfer like GST compensation, IGST etc.
  • Higher tax devolution means the states receive a larger volume of untied funds relative to tied funds. This will enhance the states autonomy in deciding their expenditure priorities.
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