October 5, 2024

HPAS/Allied Mains 2022 Answer Writing Challenge Day 05: Model Answer

Question: “Directive Principles of state policy are fundamental in the governance of the country”. Comment  (8 Marks, 120 Words)



  • The Indian Constitution under Article 37 states that ‘DPSPs are fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws. These principles should be followed by the state while formulating policies and enacting laws to promote social and economic justice among citizens.


In a democratic country like India, Governance is based on transparency and accountability, Justice, Human rights and to ensure stability and continuity.

  • To Ensure transparency and accountability: They serve as a crucial test for the performance of the government and put moral obligations on the state . The people can examine the policies and programmes of the government in the light of these declarations. They enable the opposition to exercise influence and control over the operations of the government.
  • Justice: Under article 38 of the constitution, it is the responsibility of the state to secure a social order with economic, political and social justice for the promotion and welfare of the people. article 43 states it shall endeavour to secure a living wage and a decent standard of life to all workers.
  • Rights: They supplement the Fundamental Rights by creating a favourable atmosphere for the full and proper enjoyment of the rights by the citizens. Article 39 and Article 46 deals with rights against exploitation.
  • Stability and continuity: Article 50 ensure the separation of powers and Article 51 direct the state to to promote international peace and security.


Thus, the DPSPs give a broad picture of the progressive principles on which the governance of the country is to be based. In Minerva Mills case (1980), Supreme Court held that the Indian Constitution is founded on the bedrock of the balance between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles.’

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